2 months!!
Monday, August 1, 2011 @ 20:52

2 months more to PP's big day!!

Gosh!! so many things not done!! actually not many things la.. hehe!!

Updates on wedding soon..

The special thingy abt Aug is....... HH & PP going for Suede concert on 3rd Aug!!!!!
it was meant to be a surprise for HH.. Guess PP was too naggy.. cos she kept reminding him to take leave. HH is so smart.. whahaha!!

9th Aug - Singapore's birthday..
some day in Aug - A ride-up to Malacca..
13th Aug - The Lion King musical..
20th Aug - the day we "officially" go steady.. hehe!!
21st Aug - PP's Graduation!!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!!  =D

Food tasting this month too.. Date TBC (to b confirm)..
Wah!! looks like a bz bz mth..

Also wanna lose more weight before that BIG day.. Pls pray that I can control myself from snacking & potato-ing.. =)

so looking forward to the concert & musical!! woo hoo~