Sunday, March 21, 2010 @ 20:28
PP & Juu went for this exhibition!! on a rainy Saturday..
Quest for Immortality - The World of Ancient EgyptPresented by National Museum of Singapore, in co-operation with Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, Egyptian and Near Eastern Department
Venue Exhibition Galleries 1 & 2, Basement
Date: TUE 22 DEC 2009 - SUN 4 APR 2010
Time: 10:00am - 6:00pm
The ancient Egyptian world is often characterised by a fascinating and remarkably supple mental universe. Ancient Egyptians melded images in ways that often beggar logic. They linked material elements with a realm inaccessible to humans, as reflected both in their daily conduct and their emphasis on the afterlife that led to their quest for immortality.
Quest for Immortality – The World of Ancient Egypt offers an insight to the ancient Egyptian’s attitude to life and the afterlife, and the preparations they made to ensure their transition from earthly existence to immortality. Discover the Egyptians’ means of equipping the dead – through mummification, provision of sustenance, magic and ritual – and explore the evolution of their burial rites as well as the changing relationship between man and ritual through time.
With 230 artefacts spanning from 4000 BCE to 950 CE, this exhibition endeavours to place tomb objects in their social, religious and artistic context, demonstrating the diversity and adaptability of an art that has prevailed in both time and space.
But before that, we met for lunch.. =)
we went to Cineleisure's Suki Sushi for sushi buffet!!! whahaha!! we "chiong" 3 servings of raw salmon, prawns, scallops & other type of fish.. hehe!!

Thereafter, we took a stroll through the rain to the National Museum.. =)
Our 1st date in the rain.. *blush blush* >.<

taa daa!!

Juu & PP with our tickets.. Juu kept them with her all this while cos she was afraid that sotong PP will forget to bring..

Many children were trying to fold a pyramid.. free origami paper was provided..

here's the instructions.. feel free to try.. =)

there were also other activities & stuff we can experiment there.. like this one.. Eygptian "ABC"

PP's art work.. whahaha!! PP hasn't grow up..

See? so playful.. PP kissing a sphinx..oh!!! isn't that Juu's hubby?? Opps!!

Cannot see but cannot touch..

can you see the difference between the 2 pictures below?
the one on the left, you can see the netting; but the one on the right, you can't really see.. hehe!! PP also dunno but she took these..

On the left is a false door.. On the right, a colourful mural..

statues.. yes... PP dunno who is who.. she was busy taking photos.. mayb Juu can explain.. hehe!!

big big wall mural!! the servants serving food to the king & queen.. that's a giraffe..

Tat's Juu taking a snap at the "warning" caption..

Mummy's coffin!!! Female one..

Mummy's coffin!!! Male one..

PP ogling that the mummy's coffin.. hehe!! see the details?

Let's the pictures speak for themselves:

this is the real mummy in the coffin...

See any 4D number?? hehe!! 5151

Tat's Juu pointing to her husband's name.. keke!!

after walking for 3 hrs in the exhibition, we took a rest outside.. hehe!! PP took 300plus photos.. wah!!!! siao cha bor!! Even when resting, we still camwhore with our new watches.. hehe!!

We went PS to walk walk after that.. eat ice-cream & shopped at Daiso.. Puu didn't find her slippers.. =( Juu bought heat packs for her Nippon trip.. =)
the day ended when Juu returned home & PP took train to meet HH & friends for dinner..
Supposingly, this Whopper Bar serves beer.. but when Cow wanted to order, there was none. Staff said that beer is still not available for some reason...
so we adjourned to Once Upon A Milkshake (OUAM) in line with Tyetye's suggestion...

Maxwell House (aka White House)
32 Maxwell Road #01-08
Singapore 069115
Tel: 9823 3779
click on the picture to go to their website.. ;o)

interior.. purple walls, mismatched furniture.. fun.. cosy & yummy!!

Menu on the board & the different sizes of shakes..

Menu front/back

Menu front/back

the story behind OUAM..

the clock on the wall.. sui hor?? so pretty!! PP liks purple also leh..

Ice cream that mrs Cow ordered.. Lychee & Chocolate truffle.. if PP did not remember wrongly..

HH chose to have Nutty Peanut Butler milkshake...

PP had Chocolate Truffle Castle milkshake..

overall, PP like the place & concept.. but it's abit far for PP cos it's in town.. otherwise, PP will go milkshake every now and then.. hehe!!
Labels: exhibition