OG Members' Private Sale
Wednesday, March 17, 2010 @ 22:14

PP took am leave to assist her mum at OG's private sale.. PP reached OG Orchard around 8am.. Lo & behold!!! there were so many ppl queuing outside OG!! Haiz.. Many of them were aunties.. PP felt out of place!!!! -.-11

Slightly before 9am, door open... wah!! by then, the queue snaked to the back & back to the front again... some of the items were limited so mum & PP went on our separate ways to conquer them 1st.. Alamak!! PP so aunty!!! haiz...

See the crowd from these pictures??

these are our "loots"!! 5 almost IKEA sized shopping bags full of bedlsheets & towels.. also a luggage too.. it came in handy.. PP put 2 sets of king size bedsheets & 2 sets of queen size bedsheets in before carrying it.. in the process, PP hurt her shoulder.. =(
PP's 4th aunty passed her bee hoon before going into OG earlier on.. it was lost in the shopping bags during the shuffling & pushing.. it surfaced only when the cashier was clearing our shopping bags.. hahahaha!! by the time PP reached office, bathed & finally opened the bag... the box of bee hoon was in this "miserable" state.. poor box... got crushed.. hehe!! bee hoon still nice.. PP had it for lunch..
after lunch, PP & H went to receive speakers for our training day in this afternoon.. so tired.. the 1st speaker was late.. she was running from the gate & PP & H got to follow her.. we ran.. PP's pants was dropping.. haiz.. she forgot to bring her belt.. damn tired..

running in heels leh.. such a torturing event... dozed off during the 2nd part of training day.. hehe!! PP tot she was tired but HH was more tired.. he knocked out around 7pm..