Monday, August 24, 2009 @ 23:23


Today marks the last day of a week of intensive class with Maxine Clarke.. our LU lecturer for International Business.. gonna see her again next sem for Small Business..
Maxine let us off early today.. Thank you!! We have been seeing her since last Sat.. our class schedule was Sat, Sun, Tues, Wed, Thu, Sat & Sun.. so jialat!! Come Sept, worse.. first 2 weeks is intensive with Stuart West.. he taught us in 1st or 2nd yr, PP think.. cannot remember.. he'll b teaching us Strategic Mgmt.. PP is left with those chim chim modules... haiz... final yr le ma..
Ganbatte!!!!!!After sch, PP rushed home to meet mum, BiL & Ling to go visit dad.. Den BiL suggested going ION Orchard.. Cool.. cos PP's 3/4 pants was wet for the rain, she changed into shorts.. Ling went "Jie, we going Orchard leh.. ION leh.. you wearing shorts?!" PP replied "not like i'm not wearing anything leh." shorts shorts la" whahaha!!
ION damn big damn branded damn no $$ to buy.. nothign to buy actually.. whahaha!! however, the four of us spent quite an amt of snacks at B4 food street.. hehe!! no pictures though cos PP was hungry.. we tried R burger (the one actor Adam Chen brought in), some kind of Jap fish shaped pancake with ham & cheese filling (range from $2 to $3 based on diff fillings, PP think), chicken balls on stick(offer $1 each), , pork fillet on stick (offer $1 each), tako pachi (another brand one-only octopus-$4.80 for 6 balls).. wat's eating w/o drinking?? we had bubble tea!! there got Each-A-Cup.. BiL & Ling shared a passion fruit ice blended while PP & mum shared a lemon aloe vera..
walk walk see see, see see walk walk.... we did walked back to some places unknowingly.. cos the place is so big so many escalators.. some escalators long long one.. whahaha!! PP sneaked into TopShop again.. actually PP always go TopShop see knickers (aka panties la thongs la).. N she can't help but......

Hehe!! without HH around, PP fell for Elmo's temptation very very easily.. hehe!! HH don't scold PP hor..
We went into GUESS boutique.. Mum reminded PP to find a watch.. PP's birthday coming up & Ling & mum wanna get PP a watch cos the Sovil Titus watch that they boguht a few yrs got scratched badly in the recent accident.. GUESS watch was something PP tot abt but never get.. cos their clock face big big.. PP likes!! they got gold watches too!! whahahahaa!!
PP tried on a few, black la, white la, gold la.... got numbers one la, no numbers one like boring, white - Ling kept reminding PP abt wat happened to her white DKNY watch.. Gold?? too glam for everyday use..So PP settled for one rose gold face & white strap one.. hehe!!
my prezzie!!

my birthday prezzie from Mum & Ling!!

free GUESS card holder worth $49/- with purchase over $100/-

In the evening, PP was invited to have dinner with Aunty Lynn & Uncle Robert (HH's relatives whom we visited in Mar 09) with the HOs at Bark's Cafe (Changi Chapel there)..
FiL & MiL came to pick her up while HH took his BiL's car.. PP forgot.. didn't take any pictures.. PP had German sausages while HH had salmon.. cannot remember if it was grilled or pan fried..
we were catching up with Aunty Lynn & Uncle Robert when PP's mum called telling her that her bike was cushioned in between 2 bikes downstairs.. most prob some IDIOT reversed & knocked into the bikes.. Kaoz.. PP's Elmo bike was pinned down by a big big bike - Super 4.. haiz.. poor Elmo bike.. this is the 2nd time Elmo bike fell... =(
PP's heart sank when she heard the news.. she was so far away.. after dinner & a while chatting, PP joined HH in his BiL's car for the return trip.. Sent BiL, his sister & Clover back 1st den we took his back to AMK to check on Elmo bike..
dunno how the speedo cable can be broken.. haiz.. right side mirror broke again.. kaoz.. again.. 3rd time already!!!! btw, Elmo bike always falls on the right.. not trial & tested but always.. anywhere also fall on the right.. PP's right side heavy izit?? hehe!