Sunday, August 9, 2009 @ 23:07
It's Singapore's 44th birthday.. Happy Birthday!!
Uncle got to work so din join us for Yum Cha with Ah Gim & family.. Meeting time was at 10am.. HH & PP were the first to reach cos we took bike.. hehe!! After brunch, BiL got to work.. =( Nehmind la.. he working cos he wants a bright future with my sis, Ling..
Jia you, BiL!! Ganbatte!!!!!!!!!!!
After brunch, Ling sent BiL to his workplace near Novena while HH & PP went to AMK hub.. we tot of watching UP together with Ling & BiL after BiL knock off today.. Kaoz.. blur PP. she din bring her UOB card.. haiz.. got to wait for Ling.. Oh.. btw, it's HH & PP's
4th time at AMK Hub this week (3 to 9 Aug).. PP wanna bring PP's mum for soya bean curd.. hehe!! like that hor, it's
3rd time PP & HH went to the
same dessert stall.. (Thu, Fri, Sun)

Mum tried the bean curd & found it expensive.. $4.50 for 2 person.. she say she can get it at $1 downstairs.. despite the high price, mum still treated us.. hehe!! HH had the mango sago ($3.50) there.. while Ling tried the mango snow ice ($5.50).. mum also treated the 4 of us (Ling, BiL, HH & PP) to the movie UP..
Thank you, Mum!!
After dessert, HH started to feel sleepy.. he din get his usual doze of kopi la.. haiz.. both of us left for PP's home while Ling & mum went NTUC.. oh ya.. forgot to say, HH & PP also went NTUC before Ling & mum reached AMK hub.. that's our
4th time to NTUC this week also.. whahahahaha!! Ling was teasing us saying AMK Hub is our 2nd home. any updates can find us.. hehe!!
HH & PP went home & knocked out soon after.. Kaoz.. it's really an eat-sleep-sleep-eat weekend for the both of us.. PP's eat-sleep-sleep-eat weekend started on Fri, remember?? after Sakura, she knocked out too.. whahaha!!
Ling went to pick BiL & our family had curry rice at AMK central market.. ok ok.. PP's rice was with dark sauce gravy ('lu chi") not curry.. as if PP dared to eat.. haiz.. den HH & PP went jalan jalan in COURTS while waiting for BiL to home & change after dinner.. HH & PP look see look see wat we can have for our new home.. abit fast since nothing is on that piece of land yet.. juz see see only ma.. Everything so expensive.. haiz.. confirm need air con though.. PP scared of the heat.. =)
Ling brought BiL go the same dessert stall for soya bean curd.. we went there to meet them.. Err... 4th time at the same dessert stall.. twice today.. whahaha!! same place some more!! whahahaa!! BiL & HH shared the beancurd while Ling & PP doing nothing lor.. whahaha!! Ling was busy snapping BiL la.. whahaha!!
Movie time!!
Up is described as a "comedic adventure" starring a 78-year man named Carl Fredricksen, who "spent his entire life dreaming of exploring the globe and experiencing life to its fullest". Due to his age, he thinks life has "passed him by". One day, however, a "twist of fate", and an 8-year old "Wilderness Explorer" named Russell, changes his outlook on life. The pair goes on adventures, encountering "wild terrain", "unexpected villains" and "jungle creatures".
Does BiL look like Russell?? =D
Sch starting soon too............................
Pictures are of courtesy from Ling's blog.. keke!!