Saturday, June 6, 2009 @ 21:55
Tat's wat SH told her hubby abt today.. hehe!!
PP is SH's fling - last fling before her AD tomolo.. thereafter, PP will b her mistress.. haiz.. got to go underground like Suu.. (opps!!) hehe!!
when SH went for scrub in the morning, PP was at her place with her sis, preparing one of the "torture" for the brothers tomolo.. hehe!! tomolo den tell you wat tortures we put them thru.. whahahaha!! *evil laughter*
After that, PP went to fetch SH as we had an appt (1.30pm) at Marina Sq.. PP found her way there.. den went for our appt den we went for lunch around 2plus 3pm..
next, we went jalan jalan.. of cos.. we din get anything.. juz see see only.. =) Initially we wanted to get our Crocs but... haiz... there were so little stock left!! they re-stock every Mon & Thu.. nehmind.. dun impulse buy la.. den we went to Ministry of Food - My Izakaya..

PP's cold soba.. healthier, lesser fat.. whahaha!!

SH's Curry Rice...

The unagi rice ball PP & SH share share..

Then we walked to Purvis St to get our nails done.. at
NailXpert... Comfy, nice, warm.. =)
It has been along times since PP got pampered.. All thanks goes to SH who had kindly shared her package with PP.. PP did her nails for free.. pedi & mani.. so happy *PP skipping around in glee* machiam hippo in tutu.... whahahahaha!! SH & PP spent 2hrs or more at NailXpert.. then we walked back to MS to get PP bike..
SH's hands.. her feet nothing much la cos she broke her big toe's nail.. hehe!!
SH's 3D nail art... Sui hor??

PP's toes with nailart.. PP saw how the lady painted the flowers.. she wanna try.. anybody knows where to get the thin thin brush??

PP's hands.. pink with glitters.. nice?
Our last fling.....
Tomorrow....... SH dear is not gonna be PP's anymore... *Sob Sob*
PP is her "ah ma" (ancient term for maid) the next two days.. sort of like giving her away to Mr Khet!!!!!!! it's so hurt!!!!!! PP is so hurted!!!!!!! SH can you see??????
PP is actually very happy for K13 & SH.. to start with, SH was PP's polymates since... 1999?? huh? SH, we know each other for a decade already ar??? hiyo.... dunno wat to say.. anyway, next... K13 was introduced to SH by PP's ex... so happy & glad that they worked out!! doesn't tat make PP the "mei po" (chinese for matchmaker).. only this one la.. whahaha!! mayb i should find someone for PY hor? anyone out there disagree?? keke!!
Anyone who read this n wanna know PY, pls register with PP... PY, dun worry, PP will do the filter den FC & XY will filter before the best candidate reaches you.. hehe!!
it's not even midnight... PP's mum went to sleep already.. ok ok.. noe 2348hrs... PP better go rest too.. she got a long day tomolo.. waking up around 6plus, definitely before 0630hrs.. PP got to "color" her face & do her hair.... =)