Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 12:01
Hello.. you all muz b wondering where did PP go right??
PP preparing for her exams.. One paper down yesterday (19 May), another one on Fri (22 May).. Then... Hurray!! it's the holidays!! June till Aug!! then 2 more semesters then Yahoo!!!! end of my studies!!
Some (or juz 4) pictures to share -
last one is gross.. not for the faint hearted.. PP was "making" the picture and couldn't help feeling gross herself.. whahaha!!
17th May - PP studied till bored & drew a flower near her armpit.. whahaha!!
19th May - Juu gave me this Elmo.. so cute hor!! hehe!! so happy..After PP's paper, she had 5 Elmos on her bike.. 1 on PP's rear number plate, 1 on PP's seat, 1 on PP (PP wearing Elmo tee), 1 on PP's head (her Elmo helmet), and the Elmo Juu gave me.. whahaha!!

PP showed her mum the new Elmo & her mum went " huh? another one? you got so many already!!" PP explained that it was from Juu and her mum got nothing to say.. A gift ma.. whahaha!! the Elmo purse cute hor?? PP plan to go get another one so she can use one & keep the other.. whahaha!! actually hor, PP got a drawer full of Elmo stuff.. Elmo towel, Elmo toiletries container, Elmo, shower cap, Elmo whatever n whenever.. the Elmo tees - either PP buy or from Ling or SiL, PP will wear.. cos she scared she can't wear them next time.. keke!!
PP forgot to bring her hp out yesterday.. ok la.. juz pai seh to borrow from Juu.. hehe!! After PP's paper, she went home.. cleared up the fight she had with HH.. fight ar.. no leh.. all throughout we used sms.. din even talk on the phone leh.. whatever la.. cleared that up.. cos as usual, HH was slow.. PP had guessed it already.. but dun wanna affect her mood for studies so kept it to herself.. finally sorted out the matter with HH.. done.. skies are cleared... =)
HH & PP had dinner separately at our own homes den HH came to pick PP up.. PP decided to go Tampines 1 again cos previously she din get to Uniqlo the previous time.. hehe!! this time she made it there!! yeah!! PP tried on a hoodie dress, a polo dress & bra tops.. Actually PP aiming their bra tops la.. hehe!! no need to wear bra ma.. HH was surprised.. cos it has been a long time since PP wore spaghetti & he found PP slim.. whahaha!! Visual effects by the bra top.. hehe!! PP seldom lose weight after she is with HH.. HH should know.. whahaha!!
We went back to Springfield.. That time PP saw a dress suitable for her as her jie mei dress this Jun.. but she din get it.. cos it's full white.. PP seldom wear white leh.. anyway, PP saw another dress - beige with black details.. but it's $99 leh.. previously PP bought a dress from Topshop also $99 but wore less than 5 times.. byee... haiz..
this beige one is more wearable compared to the white one but the price is abit over la..

found this dress online.. hehe!! saw another one (below).. quite sweet hor..
haiz.. so frustrating.. PP so fat.. dunno wat to wear!!

Pictures from Springfield
then HH saw a top.. he got PP to try.. nice leh.. forgot to take the back.. the back is nice.. or sexy.. when you see it you know la.. this is the front.. quite normal.. empire line.. PP likes cos empire line stuff flatters her body.. PP bought the top instead.. Citibank cardholders entitled to 15% discount.. HH suggested that if still cannot find dress.. which he prefer PP to be in.. den PP can wear the top with a light color bottom lor..
HH & PP spent at least 45 mins there at Springfield.. PP tried till she perspired.. hiyo.. she still comtemplating to get the dress alot.. size L juz nice.. everything juz nice.. if PP put on some more weight den the dress gonna b wasted.. but like HH said, "you think you still wanna put on weight ar?" so sickening.. size XL everything loose loose.. haiz.. HH then suggested to eat more for these 2 weeks den PP can fit the XL one.. sickening!!
Updates: Stages of recovery...
Finally it's peeling.. or PP meant she picked on it.. whahaha!! Ling, BiL kept stopping PP peeling the wound.. whahaha!! HH say until saliva dry liao so he always haiz... at PP.. whahaha!!
PP juz can't stand not bending her right knee.. can't stand bathing backwards.. cos she will put her right leg on the toilet bowl to avoid wetting her wound.. worse is now is during her exams.. whenever she sees her wound, she would wanna pick on it.. keke!! finally she managed to pick most of it out last night.. or she meant the past 3 nights la.. hehe!!

PP tot of juz update abit only.. ended up adding more pictures & talked so much.. ok ok.. no more entries till after her exams...
See ya!! muckz...