Wednesday, February 11, 2009 @ 23:11

That's how PP felt on Mon & Tue.. Cos of her WITs presentation.. Thank God for Farhanah, my neighbour in the office/covering officer/friend & more.. hehe!! Thank you for her understanding cos i spent most of these 2 days on WITs than on wat I should be - clearing our section's backlog.. work seems never ending.. at least now WITs is over.. I hope... i really hope.. i dun wanna write any report.. i had enough from school.. always need help from Ling for report writing.. PP sucks at report.. you ask her cook or make or do something, she'll learn & enjoy it but... report writing? she sucks at it.. hate it detest it dislike it... whatever..
Let me tell you abt the WITs thingy.. basically, my Head left me to run this thingy last yr.. presentation is in 2009.. under the bo bian act, PP took the tasking & did it half heartedly.. she dun want this thing to go up any higher than Show & Tell.. She blame me for not updating.. ok.. PP is shit.. cos she dun like it wat, PP do really like doing till last min.. you could have ask me abt it lor.. Vince helped PP alot.. As the whole, OLE, AL, Bibi, both Farhanah & Farhana, Jasima helped in the product & the Show & Tell.. Thank you for voting our booth!! =) Then also, Susan, Lee Cheng & Farhana who did the fish diagram for me with Fionn overseeing them.. It helped alot!! Finally, Nadya & Kelvin (Cai Shen) who gave advices & helped me along the way..
Thank you very much!! *mucks*
My colleagues cum friends in office are like family.. we've close bonding.. even those ex-colleagues who left us.. we're still in contact somehow.. =) We can go thru great length for each other.. Seldom you will see your colleagues asking you out after work right? or catch a movie with you when you're down.. still remember that time when PP & HH were not working out well, PP was feeling down down down, Fionn & Kelvin accompanied her to go for dinner & movie.. my 5yrs in this office was enough to keep me staying in this job.. most of us agreed that it's the ppl we work with that keeps us going here..
Ok ok.. back to WITs.. OLE, AL, Bibi & Farhana "opened a production line" for this WITs "door gift".. which is a coaster.. the final product was wonderful!! (Opps!! PP forgot to take pic) It is like what AL said, "dun worry. We'll think of something somehow." How cool is tat? from a girl half PP's size.. it all turned out well.. OLE, AL & Vince were very bz.. for CNY & for WITs.. Thank you thank you!!
PP very longwinded in this entry hor?
hiya.. you want you read lor.. too long dun wanna read den dun read lor.. whahahaha!!
decorating of our WITs Show & Tell booth started in the morning.. actually presentation started at 2pm.. my turn was after the tea break. even during lunch, OLE, AL, Bibi & Vince were still thinking of how to beautify our booth as the one opposite us was very "hearty".. full of xin.. my boss dun really like it ba.. i think.. since she casted her votes to the "hearty" one.. for sweets.. lollipop to be exact.. haiz.. dunno wat to say..
Guess i was too nervous to do or say anything so I juz seated myself in front of our booth.. felt lost.. den my boss came to me & said, "Maggie, dun be nervous. Come see wat the other booths.. their presentation very nice!" Kaoz.. so you're saying our booth sucks izit? she even compared how other ppl use html to present while we only use ppt(powerpoint).. Argh!!!!
the thing i hate most was she found a point that i din put in the ppt & they way she put it "XXX is a must leh. how come you miss that out?" Kaoz.. I sent you the ppt last Fri lor.. i know i sent to you late but you see it right? Nadya & I panicked. Nadya kept blaming herself for missing out this.. i told her it's not her fault.. we ran back to office & get the XXX thingy out cos boss say so.. we went back to the presentation area, i look around.. kaoz.. i dun see ppl putting XXX on their presentation leh.. Argh!! think boss is making a big woo haa over XXX.. Sickening..
initially she dun kan hao our door gift.. she messed up the pattern AL arranged on the table.. it was only after she heard the judges & later Dir saying that our door gift is beautiful, den she said that it is nice & even suggested we can produce it for sale.. she even asked how much i bought the cork board for.. it's $3.80 for a A3 size board.. Production line say that 1 A3 can cut into 6-8 pieces (if i no remember wrongly).. boss did her mental sums & commented "wah.. like that 1 for 50cents.. expensive hor?" PP replied, "Mdm, you haven't factor in the labor that went into it leh." 50cents per coaster, i think/feel ok lor.. juz that OLE & other "factory workers" (hehe!!) got to go thru the trouble of cutting, laminating, cutting, pasting, etc to produce all the coasters.. most of us were waiting for the event to be over so that we can get the leftover coasters.. after boss heard wat judges said, she quickly take one for herself from the few PP kept for the "factory workers".. kaoz..
PP was trembling during her presentation.. she wasn't thinking how to present.. she was thinking how her boss going to shoot her down verbally if PP fails to impress the judges.. haiz... PP stammered many times.. she felt shitty after that.. cos she hasn't done well for the presentation.. haiz...
Oh well.. PP dun wanna do so many CCAs in office in 2009 le.. she wanna clear her work & studie smoothly.. she dun wanna be stressed..
this period so stressed.. think my menses will skip me.. hopefully I've rest enough relax enough today for menses to come.. =)