Monday, February 9, 2009 @ 00:11
PP & Ling waited for our mum at Mac while she was at her Chinese service.. PP was having fries & reading "New Moon".. Joel was with us.. Looking bored while PP & Ling cam-whored.. hehe!!
See the picture on Ling's camera? It's us.. hehe!!
PP taking picture of Ling who was taking picture of Joel.. whahaha!!
Cam-whoring pics..
Joel being forced to cam whore with us.. 
Mum was at the bus stop when a wheelchair bounded man fell off the pavement & onto the bus bay.. so scary!! there were several aunties at the bus stop but none came to help.. Mum was yelling for us across the road to get over to help.. (bus stop is opposite Mac) PP reached there 1st.. the man, aged ard 40-50yrs ba, was on the ground. Crudely, he was "folded into half" (position like sit & reach), he is paralysed so his back cannot be straightened.. there was an auntie pulling his sleeve.. as if got use.. another man was fixing the man's motored wheelchair.. i went over & lift the man from the back.. he was giving instructions on how to fix back his wheelchair's battery.. a bus came but seeing the situation, stopped far away so as not to hinder the "operation".. BiL Kelvin came over & carried the man back to this wheelchair.. Opps.. wheelchair cannot move leh.. Oh.. one more cable not connected.. after connecting, his wheelchair can move!! Yeah!! the handicapped man got abrasions on his toes & fingers.. he kept thanking us profusely.. he seems pai seh.. haiz.. no need to pai seh la.. if we no help you, den we damn sickening lor.. at least he's well enough to move on to his sister's place (his destination).
Thank God that we are all well, walking & kicking.. Cannot take what God gave us for granted..
After the man went on his way, we also took off.. PP did wu lian pai again in the car.. hehe!! 
After mount Vernon, we went PS.. I used my capitaland vouchers to treat BiL at Aijitei.. cos... it's BiL's big day!!
At Ajitei, we met.......... Joanne!!! so jiao!! she was finishing when we reached.. Joanne was with her best friends, Sam & Weiwei..
Some pictures we took:
the 3 cha bors 
the food... Yummy yum yum!!

the dessert..
The orange juice that cos only $1 with any dessert ordered.. we ordered 2 desserts so can get 2 orange juices.. not bad.. yum yum!!
thereafter, we went Daiso.. BiL found this Clean-up Nose Strip.. i found a stand for my lappie.. something to raise it from the surface it is on.. cos my lappie no fan at the bottom.. very hot ar..
I took one of the strip for HH.. HH's nose.. haiz.. dun say la.. you see the results yourself.. this is even better than Biore's pore-pak, the tube charcoal mask from Daiso, and the Shiseido black mask.. I tried all three on HH's nose but results wasn't as good as this.

Tired.. Oh.. at Mount Vernon, we met our distant relatives & her sons.. PP was aghasted!! her elder son is somewhat look like Edward!! hehe!! his hair's pattern la.. thoguh not as tall or good looking as Edward.. hehe!! Still good looking on his own.. he's also musical inclined.. heard Ling said that he is a guitarist..
*PP drooling* again... over Edward.... whahahahaha!!!!! Crazy PP!!!!!!