Thursday, September 25, 2008 @ 00:14
BiL took my fan.. =( It's ok la.. hehe!! I seldom use it after mum got a wall fan for my room.. Ling suggested me to blog abt it.. so here it is..

Finally got time for black mask.. those areas i din aply cos removing the mask from these areas hurt the most.. i always will "cry".. so avoid there lor..
The next pic abit gross.. pls brave yourself!!Something not many ppl will like to see.. I forgot to take pictures of the blister bubble stage.. hehe!! Anyway, went to see doc to burst them on Tues.. burst den will heal faster. juz now went to buy the guaze, tape etc.. $9.85 already.. i dare not change it when i returned home.. haiz.. hehe!! think doc removed the skin.. see bloody bloody..

You muz be wondering why Puipui so er xin.. post this kind of pic.. those who got my friendster will have seen my chin wound which I got 3yrs ago.. sort of to remind myself to b extra careful ba..
Ling & HH tot that I mayb have Dyslexia..
Dyslexia is considered to be a learning disability. It manifests primarily as a difficulty with written language, particularly with reading and spelling. It is separate and distinct from reading difficulties resulting from other causes, such as a non-neurological deficiency with vision or hearing, or from poor or inadequate reading instruction.[1] Evidence also suggests that dyslexia results from differences in how the brain processes written and/or spoken language. Although dyslexia is allegedly the result of a neurological difference, it is not an intellectual disability. Dyslexia has been diagnosed in people possessing all levels of intelligence.[2]The word dyslexia comes from the Greek words δυσ- dys- ("impaired") and λέξις lexis ("word"). People with dyslexia are called dyslexic. (
Some shared symptoms of the speech/hearing deficits and dyslexia:
Confusion with before/after, right/left, and so on
1. Difficulty learning the alphabet
2. Difficulty with word retrieval or naming problems
3. Difficulty identifying or generating rhyming words, or counting syllables in words (phonological awareness)
4. Difficulty with hearing and manipulating sounds in words (phonemic awareness)
5. Difficulty distinguishing different sounds in words (auditory discrimination)
6. Difficulty in learning the sounds of letters
7. Difficulty associating individual words with their correct meanings
8. Difficulty with time keeping and concept of time
9. Confusion with combinations of words
10. Due to fear of speaking incorrectly, some children become withdrawn and shy or become bullies out of their inability to understand the social cues in their environment Writing and motor skills
Because of literacy problems, an individual with dyslexia may have difficulty with handwriting. This can involve slower writing speed than average or poor handwriting characterised by irregularly formed letters. They may use inappropriate words when writing.
Some studies have also reported gross motor difficulties in dyslexia, including motor skills disorder. This difficulty is indicated by clumsiness and poor coordination. The relationship between motor skills and reading difficulties is poorly understood but could be linked to the role of the cerebellum and inner ear in the development of reading and motor abilities.True, I'm clumsy..
Creativity, arts, business
Dyslexic people are almost always found to have a natural flair for one or more of the arts such as music, dance, drawing or acting. Dyslexic people are also found to have a natural ability to see patterns in noise, producing creative abstract ideas pulled out of what many would look upon as mundane sensory environments.
A study has found that entrepreneurs are five times more likely to suffer from dyslexia than average citizens. Ya lor, cock ideas, Puipui got many.. hehe!!