Tuesday, September 28, 2010 @ 01:36
paiseh paiseh.... PP hiatus for so long.... no mood to blog leh.. if you realised, PP no blog abt her holidays.. hehe!! lazy.... but you can check out PP's fb for the photos.. Opps.. only 1st day of Hatyai is up there..
PP is busy helping Ling for her wedding... so no time to blog.. *PP pointing fingers* hehe!!
Here's some backdated photos.... =)
14 Sep 2010 (Tue)Went over to HH's place after we touched dowm... his place is nearer to the airport.. after that his BiL sent PP home.. but PP waited very long..
was playing with Princess C.. MiL was telling PP that the night before, none of them at home can get Princess C to try the polka dots jacket tat SiL bought for her.. So PP say let her try... hehe!! Princess C tried the jacket on without much resistance.. see?? even let PP take pictures.. ; )

PP bathed Princess C.. MiL let her wear the Elmo romper HH & I bought.. See? 2 Elmos!! hehe!! so cute right?? PP asked SiL to keep the romper after Princess outgrew it.. PP wanna keep it for her child.. whahaha!! still a long way...

Princess C loves to drink water.. Good girl!!

Awhile after she started to perspire.. PP tied Princess C's hair.. Cute?? Besides MiL, PP is the other person who can tie Princess C's hair.. she kept moving.. so difficuly..

16 Sep 2010 (Thu)
See the other lanyard?? Miss K bought for PP.. so cute right?? Elmo Elmo Elmo!!! whahahahaha!!
18 Sep 2010 (Sat)HH & PP went hotel hunting again.. which hotel did we go?? Ermm....... oh ya, Concorde.. not bad... ballroom no pillars.. the night before we went Hilton.. Hilton got pillars..
anyway, after our meeting with the hotel coordinator, we went Suntec.. we have Kenny Rogers (opps.. photos are still in the camera..) then we went shopping for HH's jacket for Ling's wedding..
this one nice but not suitable.. if we go holiday, PP can consider getting this for HH..

PP trying out heels.. no la.. she has new ones.. jus try for fun.. hehe!! New Look has wide fit shoes.. PP likes!! cos PP got broad feet.. =(

this is how tall the heels is.. around 5inches... PP's feet machiam tip-toe!!

Gold heels!!
19 Sep 2010 (Sun)went to HH's place to wake him up.. wanna take diaper-clad Princess C but she kept walking towards PP trying to see wat's PP's doing.. she knows how to take pictures hor.. she'll take PP's phone & goes around "clicking"... if you got wat PP means... hehe!!

Clothed Princess C.. PP asked her to smile sweet sweet... this is sweet?! hehe!!

Princess C trying to pose.. imitating Michelle Chong on the cover of Reader's Digest Sep 2010..

Subsequently she ran into HH's room & hold his leg.. we were like... then SiL enlightened us.. Princess C wanna take picture with her Ah Gu... hehe!! so cute right?? PP covered HH up.. hehe!!

She sayang her Ah Gu..

PP's turn.. hehe!!