Wednesday, January 6, 2010 @ 23:47
many things happened.. something happened den PP no blogged.. it was after the Christmas bbq, PP's lappie died on her.. den the next week after Christmas before New Year, PP was feverish the whole week.. dying le la...
on 29 Dec 09, PP's dept got family day @ OCC.. nothing much cos only spouse & kids free.. parents & siblings need to pay.. HH was working afternoon, Ling can't come cos PP dun wanna pay $60 for her.. whahaha!!
PP was roped in last min to help out at the event.. she manned the Wii station with RX.. below: JB & PP "testing" the inflatable castle.. =D
those who were helping out wore red.. PP wore her favourite Elmo tee (Ling bought back from Aussie)..
The Grand Ballroom..

the airbrush tattoos that PP got.. actually it washed off that night.. =(

Here are the shots PP had with our branch's ladies.. got more but no come out PP think.. PP took so many that the photographer went "Again?" whahaha!!
Suppose to be able to off am on 30 Dec 09 (cos helped out at the event ma) but PP went back to work cos she's on pm leave.. Good thing she turned up for work.. cos somebody refused to grant the helpers the am off.. who cares abt the am off?? PP wasn't tat tired anyway..Though on pm leave, PP din leave till 2pm.. Mum got eye appt at Glenseagle medical centre at 2.45pm so PP stayed to clear her work.. Mum always commented that PP take half day leave not worth it one.. always stay late than the supposingly knock off time.. my mum knows.. my collys know.. my boss?? haiz.. forget it.. i do my stuff can already.. talk so much also no use..Aft mum's eye appt, PP rode over to PS to park her bike & met her parents at the MRT station, she was going to Queensway Shopping Centre to collect dad's pants.. MTM.. hehe!! we took MRT to Commonwealth before changing to bus.. either PP can't handle the public transportation or she was sick.. she was giddy during the ride on the bus.. when we reached QSC, mum suggested PP to eat something.. PP only had bread for lunch.. mayb no lunch so PP "crumbled".. PP had tutu kueh.. coconut one cos her wound still not close, mum advised not to take the peanut flavor one.. while mum & dad shared a bowl of laksa.. =)after the collection, PP took MRT back to PS.. her parents dropped at Tanjong Pagar to meet Ling den got picked up by BiL.. hehe!! PP went to PS to meet miss Ng & Laogong!! haiz.. forgot to take pictures with them.. only took the food.. as usual..Cold Yuan Yang

Laogong had chicken chop bee hoon soup..

miss Ng had fish congee cos her stomach wasn't tat guai that day..

PP wanna eat so chose this chicken baked rice but she only ate half.. =(
PP wasn't feeling very well either.. =Swent Daiso after dinner.. walk walk buy buy.. hehe!! 9plus, XY came to meet us.. miss Ng left ard 9plus pm.. HH knocked off early & insisted that PP waited for him to escort her home as she was unwell.. XY & Laogong accompanied her. we rode out to wait for HH.. after that, the 4 of us stood outside PS & chatted very long.. hehe! PP stood till she can't stand but she din complained.. she missed chatting up with Laogong & XY.. =)ard 11plus, we left for home.. HH din stay over as he was on morning shift the next day.. Labels: food, work