Tuesday, December 15, 2009 @ 21:53

PP decided to venture out of the office for lunch today.. so sian to crop in the office for the past week... As usual, she went to her usual hunt - Cotton On.. Try out clothings.. hehe!! nice?

Around 4plus in the afternoon, it was raining elephants & hippos.. as Ling & PP termed such super duper downpour.. hehe!! almost can't see a thing outside.. good thing BiL & Ling dropped by to pick PP from work.. Thank you, BiL!! =D

this is the blister that PP got from the previous accident.. it sort of burst this morning.. after PP showered, the blister became like tat.. ask mum if anything can be done.. she said "cut lor".. Ling enthusiastically volunteered to help PP with the cutting..

Mee-c Poy at work.. Operating tools? Mee-c's favourite nail cutter & a manicare small scissors (PP used this).. and together, both mee-c Poy embarked on the "ops"...

Almost..... Almost done.... Soon done....

Tada!!! Finished.. Operation was successful... =)

Final picture for an update of the wound on PP's knee.. her right knee discolorised already.. hehe!! PP saw dr den dr prescribed more antibiotics for PP.. she sited that the wound is not really clean yet, there's still yellow yellow coming out.. the below picture was taken after PP cleaned it up & put antibiotic ointment.. =)

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