Friday, December 26, 2008 @ 00:20
Christmas morning woke up.. trying hard to concentrate on cw.. suppose to wake up at 8am but snoozed till 10am.. hehe!! read textbook.. blur.. chatted online den met HH to clear last night's mess.. ok.. felt better after talking.. at least now we know wat makes each other dun like each other.. wat am I talking abt? nvm.. HH & I know can already.. =) We had lunch at Tamako. though i ate some instant noodles at home before meeting him.. hehe!!
After clearing our airs & ate our lunch, we went home to pick mum & Ling.. We went SSC(Sembawang Shopping Centre). Juz open.. the queue to the carpark was snaking till the main road outside.. HH did something bad.. he cut queue!! whahaha!! ok la.. if not dunno wait till when.. till the cows come home? whahaha!! there's a Daiso there, Esprit Outlet there, MOF - Japanese Cafe, Kopitiam, etc.. OP & Cotton On not open yet.. not all the shops were done & open for business.. but the crowd was huge..
HH & I bought tees again.. hehe!! Now HH got 9 tops!!! all for CNY.. better stop him from buying any tops le.. I tried on a hoodie & 3/4 pants at Esprit Outlet.. I like hoodies in general but this hoodie.. nah.. Usual price was $79 but now it is $36.90/-.. i still feel the design & material not worth the amount so din buy.. the 3/4 pants - erm... feeling ok only.. it's dark grey(nice) but the side pockets funny dunny de so again din buy that.. when HH went to pay for his tee, i found a plain tee.. not really plain.. it's green.. my SiL's favourite color.. "polka dotted" with the Esprit cupid motif.. If Juu sees this entry(she definitely will), she'll ask me to take a picture of it.. ok ok.. if i remember.. whahahaha!!
I went Popular to look for the books I wanna buy.. hehe!! FOUND!!! Yeah!! Puipui is a happy girl again!! There are 4 books in this series but I only bought the 1st two books - Twilight(the movie I watched with HH) & New Moon.. Below are their covers..

The next two - Eclipse & Breaking Dawn.. the books got thicker & thicker as the series grew.. Breaking Dawn is abt 2inches thick.. abit daunted by the thickness. HH wanted to get all 4 but I refused.. I scared wait i "drown" by them.. Below is the author's official website..
www.stepheniemeyer.comHad prata for dinner.. den came home bath & went to meet HH.. We den went to meet his frens at Kallang Mac, thinking that there's WIFI & socket at the location, I brought my lappie & textbk out.. Kaoz.. no sockets.. i found none leh.. inside & outside Kallang Mac.. =S There were other ppl using lappies.. the thing is my lappie no batt.. whahaha!! bring also no use.. read some textbk.. Huh? whahaha!!
was talking abt bikes.. cos we met up with HH's bike buddy & his wife.. We'll be considering whether to change bike or overhaul our current bike.. considering only.. Readers, juz read & forget abt this part.. i juz wanna say out but dun want ppl to come ask me abt it.. HH & I are still thinking, considering, pondering, comtemplating the options we have.. Change bike means Puipui can go faster & get a newer bike.. Overhaul current bike will cost abit la.. but we done up some parts already.. moreover, Elmo's there!! Haiz.. That's y we comtemplating lor.. haiz.. difficult decision.. so leave us to think, consider, ponder whatever things we need to think., consider, ponder k? Dun ask us anything.. Shh.........
Whahahaha!! Puipui's gi-la.. as usual la.. anything la.. Cheryl take medication already den share with me k? hehe!!
Die Die!! CW how? CW how? haiz...