Saturday, October 11, 2008 @ 14:54
Tried the Seven Dead Sins Quiz from Joanne's blog..
Seven Deadly Sins to try out the quiz.. =)
Here's my result..

Lust? Almost not there? I tot I'm a "color" person? *sceptical look*
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSloth (Latin, acedia)In the Christian moral tradition, sloth (Latin: acedia, accidia, pigritia) is one of the seven capital sins, often called the seven deadly sins; these sins are called the capital sins because they destroy charity in the person's heart and thus may lead to final impenitence and eternal death. Sloth is defined as spiritual and/or actual apathy or laziness, putting off what God asks you to do, or not doing it or anything at all. Acedia is a Latin word, from Greek akedia, literally meaning "absence of caring". Acedia is also deemed to lead to God's wrath.
Sloth can also concern wasting due to lack of use or allowing entropy, expanding into almost any person, place, thing, skills, or intangible ideal that would require maintenance, refinement and/or support to continue to exist.Pride (Latin, superbia)In almost every list pride (or hubris or vanity) is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to give compliments to others though they may be deserving of them, and excessive love of self (especially holding self out of proper position toward God). Dante's definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor." In Jacob Bidermann's medieval miracle play, Cenodoxus, pride is the deadliest of all the sins and leads directly to the damnation of the titulary famed Parisian doctor. In perhaps the best-known example, the story of Lucifer, pride (his desire to compete with God) was what caused his fall from Heaven, and his resultant transformation into Satan. Vanity and narcissism are prime examples of this sin. In Dante's Divine Comedy, the penitent were forced to walk with stone slabs bearing down on their backs in order to induce feelings of humility.------------------------------------------------------------------
Left Tommy's bar around 1plus am last night.. HH told mum that we'll be out late late so I'll be staying over his place.. If i go home, mum confirm will wait up for me.. HH's room air con changed le.. hehe!! So it's better than last time.. Used to be warm by morning.. hehe!! as usual, we took KPE but this time we took it all the way to Tampines & not PIE.. 1st time travelling the whole KPE.. last Fri was 1st time in KPE, last night was the whole KPE.. not fun.. so stuffy & warm inside.. =(
I tried to overtake HH but kena horn by him.. cos in KPE cannot travel over 70km/hr.. hiyo.. how fast can my "ikan bilis" go? haiz.. ok ok.. i know HH worried abt pui kuku.. Pui kuku like wind in her helmet ma., HH got ask if i find the bike too slow. i said that i find it alright.. got wind can already.. And HH always think i can't handle bigger bikes.. =( Wait till i get my 2A.. SSDC gonna move to Woodlands next Apr.. How? very far leh.. I tot of getting 2A during my 3mths holiday next yr.. =(
OH another thing.. remember i cut all my fingernails during the week? i juz painted them pink.. So girlie... whahahaha!! Shall call them piggie piglet fingers for now.. hehe!! piggie cos nails short short, pui pui; piglet cos it's pink!!
Tat's all for now.. Back to coursework..